Pre-Valentines Message!!!
Dear DUCT Folk,
Hello! I hope you're all well and that summative season isn't treating you too roughly. I've got to shoot off to London for something called Valentine's Day, but before I do I thought I'd send a note to remind you in good time to sign up for an audition slot for our post-exam play, Timberlake Wertenbaker's 'Our Country's Good', being performed on the 16th and 17th June.
We're looking for both general acting and specific prod team (Assistant Producers/Tech Director) roles - check out the Facebook event for more information about the roles available. Auditions are taking place next Tuesday and Wednesday (20th/21st Feb) in ER155/ERA80 - no previous experience is necessary, so don't be afraid to come along and give it a go!
I look forward to seeing you next week - in the meantime, may Cupid's arrow fly straight and true. Failing that, enjoy Pancake Day!
George (DUCT President)